-Orders typically take 3-5 business days to be processed before shipment.
-We strive to have orders shipped out to you within 5 days of placing your order.
-We charge a flat rate of $10.00 for all domestic orders shipped within the United States.
- We now ship to the UK and Canada for a flat rate of $20.00
-If you are local, we do have an “in store pickup” option you can choose at checkout. If you choose this method please allow 24 hours for the processing time between order placement and pickup. Our store hours are Sunday - Saturday 11-6. You will receive an email from us when your order is ready for pickup.
- Returns will be processed the same way they would be if the items were shipped to you. You can bring them back in store to save on shipping cost.
-Delivery time does not include holidays or weekend and we do not ship out on Saturday or Sunday.
-PLEASE make sure we have your correct shipping address. Without this information it can cause your order to be delayed as well as additional shipping costs from the carrier. If for some reason this does happen, please call us as soon as possible at 706-455-1584. If your package has already left the boutique additional fees may apply.
-Shipping times may vary during promotional events and large sales due to the high volume of orders coming in. We will do our very best to have items during this time shipped at in a timely manner.
We are not responsible for any items that show as delivered on the USPS tracking website. If your item is lost in the mail, please contact your local USPS location first. Next, you can file an insurance claim with USPS. Insurance claims must be filed between 15-60 days from the date the package was delivered. USPS has the right to deny a claim if they show the item as delivered.
If you have any questions or concerns please email us at